is a type of South African instrumental folk music. Its original
intent was to be an accompaniment to social dancing at parties and
Boeremusiek is originally European, but once it was brought to South
Africa, it gradually changed and became its own style.A concertina is
similar to an accordion and is the lead instrument in most Boeremusiek
bands. There are many different types of concertinas, which is why
Boeremusiek has so many unique sounds and styles, and the construction
the concertina is what makes the different sounds in the Boeremusiek
band; it depends on where the slots and holes are put makes the
difference on the sound that the concertina makes.Other instruments
that might be in a Boeremusiek band would be piano accordions, button
harmonicas, accordions, pianos, harmoniums and the guitar, and
sometimes, a cello or bass guitar may be seen.
The sound of a Boeremusiek band may
depend on what region the band is from, seeing that Boermusiek’s
intent is to be informal, instrumental dance music.
Today, there are many successful Boeremusiek bands that have recorded
albums. Some famous bands and individual artists today include
Klipwerf Boereorkes, Danie Grey, Nico Carstens, Taffie Kikkilus, Brian
Nieuwoudt, Samuel Petzer, Worsie Visser and Die Ghitaar Man
What is boermusic?
is a question that has experts pondering for years and can
not be answered without a measure of controversy. In short
we, The Traditional Boer Music Club, can define Boermusic as
instrumental folk music, dating from the period during which the
people who practiced it where internationally know as "Die
Boere" (The Boers) of South Africa. It is informal music
that is played in a distinctive way and was primarily
intended as accompaniment for social dancing. For the
purpose of this conversation we exclude other kinds of
Afrikaans music from the same period like ballads, serenades and
music aimed at passive audiences.
What is the Character of Boermusic?
is nearly impossible to put the rich variety of feeling elements,
nuances and sounds that form the essence of Boermusic into
words. It is an "experience" of strong and unique character
that can not be described in music science terms. The
concertina was, and is still to this day, the top lead
instrument in Boermusic. Apart from the different types of
concertinas that are found in Boer music, there are
different dance rhythms and variations in accompaniment. It is striking
how each artist often develops a unique and recognizable
style. Just as amazing is how the different types of
concertinas as well as the different geographical regions
created divergent disciplines within Boermusic.
What are the origins of Boermusic?
The origins of Boermusic is like a vine with entangled roots and the development has to be distilled from history and myth. The earliest writings contained no reference to the term "Boermusic" or "Boere orkes" (Boermusic band). It is therefor necessary to search for clues that point to the music in question as light, cheerful, informal and indigenous dance music and not formal or classical music. For that we have to follow references to music-, dance- and song habits during the course of history to determine the inception of Boermusic and how it developed.
is largely European in origin and it would be a
misconception to think that it was brought to South Africa by
the early settlers. Most of it was imported fairly recently
but aquired a flavour of its own and remained in vogue here
long after it went out of fashion abroad.
How did it get to South Africa?
a certain dance became popular in Europe or anywhere else,
it was not long before it was introduced in the Cape by
military bands of the British Empire. Whenever they were off duty,
they hired themelves out for parties, weddings and other social
events. There where dance masters who taught the new dances
to the locals and from there it
spread into the hinterland. It acquired a local flavour and
character of it's own in the process. A large volume of
Boermusic was consequently composed by local musicans, as is
still the case today.
There where also music teachers who noted down local tunes. The first person to do this was Charles Etienne Boniface (1787-1853) who arrived in the Cape in February 1807
[Bron: Die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Boeremusiek - W.A. Schultz]
Die term boeredans word in hierdie verband gebruik as 'n kollektiewe term omdat dit die kenmerkende dansvorms behels wat aan die betrokke boeremusiekwysies gekoppel word. lnderwaarheid kom al hierdie danse, behalwe die vastrap, vanaf oorsee. Maar al het die danse oorsee ontstaan, het hulle hier ingeburger geraak en 'n besondere karakter aangeneem as gevolg van die kenmerkende eienskappe van boeremusiek.
danse wat in Europa se balsale gewild geraak het, het
stadig versprei en Engeland die laaste bereik. Daarvandaan
het dit betreklik gou na Amerika en Suid-Afrika versprei. In
Engeland het verskeie groot danssale gedurende die 18de
eeu tot stand gekom, waarvan Almack's die bekendste
was. Dit sal interessant wees om te let op die danse
wat teen die middel van die 19de eeu in Engeland se
balsale gedans was, want dit sal ongetwyfeld 'n weerspieƫling
vind in die danse wat in Kaapstad gewild was.
vernaamste danse in hierdie genre is die wals, polka, seties
en masurka, maar daar is 'n ander "indringer", waarvan
die ouers onbekend is, en wat in die omgangstaal die vastrap
genoem word.
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